11525 Cantrell Rd. Suite 301, Little Rock, AR 72212

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(501) 246-4485

Gentle adjustments
proven results

Discover why NUCCA Chiropractic may be the answer for you.

Welcome To Core chiropractic & wellness

Core Chiropractic & Wellness is a chiropractic clinic located in Little Rock, AR. Specializing in the NUCCA chiropractic technique, we are able to provide one of the most precise, gentle, and effective adjustments to correct the spine and help your body function at its best.




What is nucca?

NUCCA or (‘new-ka’) stands for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association.

While NUCCA is a well-accepted form of chiropractic, patient procedures differ from the more traditional techniques. NUCCA treatment begins with specific x-ray views taken from specialized digital x-ray equipment that uses very minimal radiation. The positional relationship between the top bones in the spine named the Atlas, the skull, and the rest of the neck below the Atlas are analyzed to measure the exact degree of the misalignment for each patient. Each person’s misalignment pattern is entirely unique to them.

A NUCCA adjustment is very gentle, precise, and an effective treatment that does not use twisting, cracking, or high force of the neck to realign the spine and improve body function. When the spine is in an optimal position, the nervous system can function at 100% efficiency. Because of the nature of this technique, it is much more favorable to people that may be apprehensive of traditional chiropractic care. Also because of the high precision of the adjustment, fewer adjustments are required. Patients also tend to hold their corrections for much longer. 

Watch this video, and in just a few minutes you will learn how Upper Cervical Care can help you!

Why choose nucca Chiropractic care?


X-rays taken prior to the first correction allow us to “see” the source of your problem with laser-like accuracy. Careful analysis reveals a precise correction formula used to restore your spine to its proper alignment. X-rays taken after the initial correction allow us to ensure the correction is complete. There is no guesswork in what we do!


NUCCA uses the least force of any chiropractic technique. There is no “popping” or “twisting” of the neck. The precision of the adjustment allows us to work smarter, not harder. Many patients consider it to be the most gentle and comfortable adjustment they’ve ever received!


By correcting the entire spine and not just the problem areas, the body is able to stay corrected for longer periods of time, allowing for better recovery. As we monitor your spinal correction, stabilization and healing, you will begin to be able to do things you haven’t done in years.

success stories

“I have had debilitating migraines one week out of the month since I was a teenager. I work at a pre-school so as you can imagine, it is nearly impossible to just “work through” a migraine in that environment. After being introduced to Dr. Justin and the NUCCA technique, I have been migraine free for 3 months!”

-Julie S.

“My vertigo and balance problems are gone! They had been so bad for so long that I never went anywhere without at least a walker or wheelchair.”

-Alice W.

“My low back pain had gotten so bad that I spent the majority of my time either in the bed or on the couch. I went to several other doctors and was always told there was nothing wrong with my back… Dr. J listened to what I was experiencing and was able to explain exactly what he felt the problem was and the plan to help. I am now back to playing with my grandchildren and am feeling great! Thank you!”

-Karen S.

“As a retired Olympic sprinter and now a speed coach that still likes to prove I’ve “still got it” I manage to throw things out of whack pretty often. Dr. J keeps me in line and on the track!”

-Rae E.

what can you expect on your first visit?